
Engagement • Page 2

How To Wear Engagement And Wedding Band

The short answer to “how should a woman wear her wedding rings?” is – how she pleases. There are no strict rules in the U.S., although there’s a specific traditional way. Depending on the woman’s preferences, the symbolism she places on each ring, and practical considerations, she can refrain from the tradition and choose a […]

How Much Should You Spend On An Engagement Ring?

A few decades ago, men were forced to spend immense sums to get an engagement ring with a large diamond regardless of their income or lifestyle. Thankfully, times change. While some are still willing to spend well over $20,000 on a ring, today, it’s a matter of personal choice rather than obligation. Your engagement ring […]

How Soon is Too Soon To Propose?

Is six months too soon to get engaged? How long to date before getting engaged in your 30s? Unfortunately, no one can give you a clear answer. Love can’t be measured. There’s no rule regarding how long to wait to propose, but certain factors can help you determine the time has come. Following your heart […]

How To Measure Your Wedding Ring Size

Unfortunately, finding out the size at home can be tricky. You may use a plastic ring sizer, a string, or measure a ring you already own, but none of these methods are 100% accurate. Numerous factors can affect our ring size, from the band’s width and material to the time of the day you measure […]

7 Best Reasons To Get a Wedding Ring Tattoo

Celebrities have been making matching tattoos for their weddings since the late 1990s, and it’s no wonder. Some may argue that the downside of tattoos is their permanency, but The Beckhams would respond it’s the very reason they chose it. Wedding ring tattoos aren’t solely a perfect way to show commitment. They also offer numerous […]

How Long Does it Take to Resize a Wedding Ring?

Wedding ring upsizing and downsizing take a different amount of time. The extent to which a ring must be resized also affects the process complexity, which, in turn, affects the time required. The ring’s material plays a significant role in how long a wedding ring takes to resize. Extremely hard or fragile metals require special […]

How To Sell Wedding Ring (After Divorce)

You likely want to sell your ring quickly, easily, and for a reasonable price. Unfortunately, estate jewelry resale is an art of compromise. Consider what matters the most for you – getting quick cash, high profit, or simply getting rid of the ring without dealing with the buyers? Typically, the higher the ring’s price, the […]

Which Hand To Wear Wedding Ring in Islam?

Wedding rings signify commitment, love, respect, and an unbreakable bond for many people. Muslims also observe the wedding ring exchange custom, but the rules regarding placement aren’t as definite as in other cultures. The reason is the difference in Islamic law interpretation. Each person has valid arguments to support their opinion. Despite the view discrepancy, […]

Do You Need Rings To Get Married? (Courthouse? Church?)

Wedding rings have represented love and devotion for centuries and have become a norm in the U.S. But what if you don’t want to wear wedding rings? What if the budget is tight, or it goes against your beliefs? The answer depends on your cultural background, religion, and ceremony location. Overall, modern western couples have […]

Wedding Ring vs Wedding Band: Which is The Best?

The short answer is – yes, wedding rings and wedding bands aren’t the same. However, the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. A common misconception is that a wedding ring is another name for an engagement ring. However, the difference between these types of jewelry is more definite than that between wedding rings and bands. The […]